Our Values

MSGROUP wants to be a Citizen Company has put in place a growth strategy based on sound principles :

La performance opérationnelle

Assured daily on all levels, by all our companies.
Operational performance management is a critical success factor in achieving the objectives of our strategic plan. This is an important issue for management.
Continuous investment in advanced technology and know-how positions the group in the international standards of industry, commerce, remote monitoring and lighting.

The valuation of human resources

Real capital and key factor of our success. More than 60 employees, men and women, enthusiastically putting their talents at the service of innovation, know-how and performance. MSGROUP makes teamwork, synergy and transparency its development engines. These fundamental values are anchored in our global mode of operation where everyone contributes.

Sustainable development

More than an ethics, a real practice for years. As a corporate citizen, the protection of the environment is our duty, we contribute to it and we strongly believe in it.


Group companies


contact us

Tel: 72 285 100
Fax: 72 272 914
Av.Djedida Maghrebia 8000Nabeul Tunisie